During the workshop Jenni will teach the traditional techniques of hooking and progging strips of fabric through hessian backing to make rugs, wall hangings and seat mats or you could customise a hessian bag. The venue is very near the train station and actually on the edge of the bus station, so easy to reach plus they sell all sorts of recyclable items.
Rose Tinted Rags, Textile Recycling & Arts Centre, The Old Governor’s House, Hereford Country Bus Station, Union Walk, Hereford HR1 2EP is on ground floor
You bring fabrics to recycle - more info from Jenni
one day 10 - 4
Rose Tinted Rags Textile Recycling & Arts Centre
email : jenni.ragrugs@freeuk.com or call 01568 750229
“I hope to come on another of your courses next year - they are FAB!”Sarah