Rowan McOnegal – Herbal medicine making

Rowan McOnegal – Herbal medicine making
Herbal medicine making and the art of natural perfumery

I have always been passionate about plants.

I advocate the living tradition of herbal medicine through teaching practical courses, writing and lecturing. I aim to raise awareness of environmental issues, to teach people about the qualities of common, easily found plants to make simple remedies, thus empowering people to look after themselves and to nurture and value their environment – to care for the soil.

Having studied herbal medicine at the School of Herbal Medicine (Phytotherapy), and botany at the University of Birmingham, I qualified as a Medical herbalist in 1990. Privileged to have learnt from Christopher Hedley (my first teacher), Carol and Stephen Church, Carole Guyett and many others, I was a consultant Medical Herbalist for many years, growing and making my most of my own medicines, whilst teaching others to do likewise.

I have created gardens; photographed, drawn and painted plants; established a comprehensive photographic library of herbs and wildflower portraits that has been used internationally; travelled extensively to research traditional uses of herbs, and been fascinated by the role plants have in shaping cultures.

I have been a qualified medical herbalist for over 25 years and have many years teaching experience. Courses take place around the table in the studio of my eco home and organic garden in Herefordshire. They are practical, informal and fun. My aim is to build peoples’ confidence in the safe and effective use of herbs for self help and healthcare. I also teach the art of perfumery – how to make your own natural perfumes using infused and essential oils.


Contact Details


Castle Orchard
Nr Ledbury

Telephone: 01531 670075

Mobile: 07816858664


Email Member


Rowan McOnegal – Herbal medicine making

Castle Orchard
Nr Ledbury