Victoria Harrison

Victoria Harrison
Living Mosaics - Mosaic art and sculpture

Mosaic Artist

I am from the dramatic, untamed beaches of Northumbria. I have always experimented with  sea-worn treasures on a wide variety of surfaces. My interest in mosaic goes back to my childhood when I collected shells, pebbles, curious flotsam and intriguing jetsam.

Whilst studying Fine Art specialising in Environmental Sculpture I found myself inspired by the vitality and versatility of “World of Mosaic”.

Living Mosaics

I run my own business “Living Mosaics” from my studio in Malvern, Worcestershire. I run workshops and courses in schools and mental health institutions, for community projects and for the public. My passion is inspiring others to realise their own creative potential. It is very satisfying to see students’ self-confidence build and their individual and team creativity develop over time.


Come and spend a day with me in my studio in the Malvern Hills mosaicking your very own, unique outdoor mosaic. Suitable for beginners and the more advanced. No drawing or artistic skills required. Full individual tuition is given and you will go home with new skills and a finished mosaic with which to impress your family and friends.

Each workshop starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. The cost of £80 covers all materials and a light lunch.

A full list of upcoming workshops is available on my website.

Contact Details


3, Holywell Road
Malvern Wells
WR14 4LE

Telephone: 07768 080947

Mobile: 07768 080947


Email Member


Victoria Harrison

3, Holywell Road
Malvern Wells
WR14 4LE